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CeramTec GmbH


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Product Owner Legal (f/m/d)
Aktualität: 12.07.2024


12.07.2024, CeramTec GmbH
Product Owner Legal (f/m/d)
User Support: You will be a liaison between users and ContractPodAi ticked-based technical support, deciding what technical solutions are required for a specific user request and how that solution will affect software functionality. Workflow maintenance and adjustments: ContractPodAi is an evolving web-based software with regular enhancements. Our carefully designed workflows can be sensitive to these enhancements. Therefore, you will study each release notes and assess their impact on our workflows. You will work with our ContractPodAi Client Success Manager to ensure that workflows are not adversely affected. At the same time, you will use the enhancements to improve workflows where possible. Roles and permissions matrix: You will maintain an up-to-date user data and manage roles and permissions matrix that is compliant with current workflows and updated as new enhancements are made. Drafting internal processes: Together with the Legal Department, you will create internal processes and guidelines for integrating ContractPodAi into various internal departmental workflows. Integrations: You will be a liaison between ContractPodAi technical team and our stakeholders in various software integrations (for example, SAP and Jaggaer). Global rollouts: You will organize the rollout and training of ContractPodAi in the CeramTec subsidiaries globally. Migration: Some departments have stored their documents in systems that have not been migrated to ContractPodAi. Eventually, they also need to be uploaded to ContractPodAi. You will help them to find the best solution depending on the number and location of these documents.
Graduation: Degree in business informatics, product management software, software development, legal tech or similar. Basic understanding of the lifecycle of documents managed by ContractPodAi, which are mainly commercial contracts. Analytical skills: Ability to analyse data to make informed decisions. This includes evaluating user metrics, A/B testing and using analytics to improve the product. Empathy and user-centricity: Ability to always think from the user's perspective, to understands their needs, pain points and goals. Understanding of UX design is very welcome. Decisiveness: Readiness to make clear decisions and take responsibility. Agile methods and processes: Knowledge and experience with agile methods such as Scrum or Kanban. Understanding of sprint planning, backlog management and the role of the product owner in an agile team. Communication skills: Ability to communicate clearly and concisely. This includes writing clear user stories, explaining requirements and answering questions from the development team. Ability to interact with different stakeholders, gather feedback and communicate. Language skills: Fluent in English and German.

